Maya Mel
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My mels
Easy install tip
//stolen from advanced skeleton file and other scripts //basically call 'whatIs' on a procedure that you just sourced so you know when the current mel file is //useful for dragging and dropping files in viewport for installation global proc installDir (){} string $p = `whatIs installDir`; string $fullPath=`substring $p 25 999`; string $buffer[]; string $slash="/"; if (`gmatch $p "*\\\\*"`)//sourced from ScriptEditor $slash="\\"; int $numTok=`tokenize $fullPath $slash $buffer`; int $numLetters=size($fullPath); int $numLettersLastFolder=size($buffer[$numTok-1]); string $scriptLocation=`substring $fullPath 1 ($numLetters-$numLettersLastFolder)`; print $scriptLocation;