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(Maxwell Render - Check .mxi sequence Sampling levels)
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=== Maxwell Render - Check .mxi sequence Sampling levels ===
=== Maxwell Render - Check .mxi sequence Sampling levels ===
//This script comes from the Great Marc Dubrois
//This script comes from the great Marc Dubrois.
def checkMXI_SL():
def checkMXI_SL():

Revision as of 23:57, 7 June 2019

Nuke Python Scripts

Count selected nodes


Maxwell Render - Check .mxi sequence Sampling levels

//This script comes from the great Marc Dubrois.

def checkMXI_SL():
    '''takes mxi read node and checks its SLs metadata and outputs frames under certain treshold'''

    sl_threshold = 18.0
    txt = nuke.getInput('Print frames with SL below:', str(sl_threshold))
    if txt:
        sl_threshold = float(txt)
    output = ''

    task = nuke.ProgressTask("Checking MXI SLs") 

    for node in nuke.selectedNodes():
        if node.Class() == 'Read':
            firstframe = int(node['first'].value())
            #lastframe = firstframe + 10
            lastframe = int(node['last'].value())
            for i in range(firstframe, lastframe):
                percentage = int(100.0*(i-firstframe)/(lastframe-firstframe))
                if task.isCancelled(): 

                sl = node.metadata('SAMPLING_LEVEL',i)
                if  sl < sl_threshold:
                        task.setMessage('Frame ['+str(i)+'] SL'+"{0:.1f}".format(sl))                        
                        logline = 'Frame ' + str(i) + ': ' + "{0:.2f}".format(sl) + '\n'
                        output = output + logline
    del task

    p = nuke.Panel('Results')
    if output == '':
        output = 'All MXI are above or equal to '+str(sl_threshold)
    ret = p.show()
